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01/19 - 01/23

Vehicle of Automated Reduction of plastic is an automated plastic removal rover along sea shores

Patent holder:

Adib Ahnaf

Patent type:

Robotics, Plastic, AI, Automation, Computer Vision



01/19 - 01/23

Fire Fighting Drone is a series of innovations comprising 3 drones that has the potential of revolutionizing fire fighting.

Patent holder:

Adib Ahnaf

Patent type:

Robotics, Fire Fighting, UAV, Computer Vision



01/19 - 01/23

SpaceCrops is a prototype patented mobile application that allows even the most unaware farmers easily take into account the datasets of NASA and JAXA to increase production up to 50%

Patent holder:

Adib Ahnaf

Patent type:

App, Satellite data



01/19 - 01/23

ALBIN is termed by us as the future of eternally preserved identity that functions in areas without internet, mobile network and even electricity

Patent holder:

Adib Ahnaf

Patent type:

Robotics, Identity

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01/19 - 01/23

Landslide Tracking and Prediction system includes our source codes that allow one to determine landslide susceptibility through co-ordinates.

Patent holder:

Adib Ahnaf

Patent type:

Algorithm, Satellite data

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