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ALBIN or Automated LoRa Based Identifier of Nationality is a chain of machines that can register, verify and preserve digital form of national identity without the use of internet, mobile network or even electricity. It was made to revolutionize identity preservation and ease verification. Currently, it is in prototype stage. The circuit and prototype pictures are as follows

The product solution that is offered is based on the very concept of eliminating digital identity verification and authentication issues for the marginalized people. The solution accepts necessary identity information, encrypts them into data sets and sends across nearly 18 miles to the police stations. The system is automated and hence not complicated to use at all.  Any general man can provide the input. Each transmitter that we have already produced costs only 30$ and a receiver(which has been produced) costs a little above 40$ receiving signals from 81 transmitters. The sustainable costs make it highly suitable for remote distribution.

Relevant innovations is what creates revolutions. In present world, there have been sufficient innovation approaches taken by ID giants like Modern Identity system or Augmented Reality based identification or computer vision mechanisms. But those changes according to us, are possible to innovate, not implement. It would take another century before AI and AR based Identity becomes well used by remote regions which hardly have electricity. We tried to bridge the gap utilizing modules made for IoT purposes and integrating them into a working machine. The machine depends on solar energy to function, sends data through radio waves and adapts to designated IP address' open API to automatically update to the device which uses internet for updating to multiple servers. Such complex integration using day to day technology makes for the cheapest form of NID registration and verification machines and create a simple GUI understood by any man. The opportunities of the ALBIN software is limitless which can not only be used in ALBIN transmitters but also incorporated in hundreds of other technologies through APIs including Mobile applications and fully functional computers. Our take is for the people and hence we innovated the path to eternal identity without taking complex, unknown and unplanned routes to cater to the common people.

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